Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 12 - Atares diversos

[Lo que sirve de base de antorcha]
Definition: a thing is base antorcha if it is leno or it is hueso or it is rama or it is machete.

[Decir que tiene envuelto lo que sea]
After examining a base antorcha thing:
    if there is a papel thing (called pap) which is part of noun:
        say "Tiene envuelto un extremo con [the pap], casi como si se tratase de una antorcha.".

[Unir papeles a palo o hueso para antorcha]
Instead of tying a papel thing to base antorcha thing:
    if there is a papel thing (called pap) which is part of second noun:
        say "Ya tienes enrollado [the pap] en [the second noun], no necesitas más base para una antorcha.";
        if noun is pedacito tela:
            say "[The noun] es demasiado pequeñ[o noun] para envolver nada.";
            say "Envuelves [the second noun] con [the noun].";
            now noun is part of second noun;
            if resina is part of the noun:
                now resina is part of second noun;
                say "Ahora ya es una especie de antorcha cutre. Sólo queda encenderla.".

Instead of tying resina to a papel thing:
    if the resina is part of anything (called untado):
        say "La resina ya está untada en [el untado].";
    otherwise if noun is part of a base antorcha thing (called base):
        try tying resina to base;
        now resina is part of second noun;
        say "Con cuidado untas la resina sobre [el second noun].".

Instead of tying a papel thing to resina:
    try tying resina to noun.

Instead of tying a base antorcha thing to a papel thing:
    try tying second noun to noun.

Instead of tying resina to a base antorcha when the resina is part of a papel thing (called pap):
    try tying pap to second noun.

[Untar resina]
Instead of tying resina to base antorcha thing:
    if the resina is part of anything (called untado):
        say "La resina ya está untada en [el untado].";
    otherwise if there is a papel thing (called pap) which is part of second noun:
        say "Untas la resina sobre [the pap] que envuelve [the second noun]. Ahora ya es una especie de antorcha cutre. Sólo queda encenderla.";
        now resina is part of second noun;
        change duracion of second noun to 20;
        say "Untar la resina sobre [the second noun] sería 'gracioso', ¡un mazo resbaladizo para pegar a los orcos!, pero siendo serios para hacer una buena antorcha es necesario poner algo de tela o algo así sobre [the second noun] para que haga de 'mecha' del fuego.".

[En el inverntario]
After printing the name of a base antorcha thing (called base) while taking inventory:
    if base is lit:
        say " (ardiendo)";
    otherwise if there is a papel thing (called pap) which is part of base:
        if resina is part of base:
            say " (con [the pap] empapado en resina envolviendo un extremo)";
            say " (con [the pap] envolviendo un extremo)".

Instead of taking a papel thing which is part of a base antorcha thing (called base):
    if resina is part of base:
        say "¿Para qué? Ya está untado con la resina, en cualquier caso está echado a perder. El único uso que puede tener todo esto es usarlo como antorcha.";
        stop the action;
    say "Desenvuelves [the base], para separar [the noun].";
    now the player carries the noun.

[Avisar de que 'poner' no vale]
Instead of putting anything on a base antorcha thing:
    say "Poner algo 'sobre' o intentar insertar algo 'en' [the second noun] no serviría de nada. Tal vez pueda serte útil enrollar algo sobre [the second noun] o untarlo, según como sea."

[Si no es 'papel' no de puede enrollar]
Instead of tying a thing to a base antorcha thing:
    say "No ves una forma de enrollar [the noun] sobre [the second noun].".

Instead of tying a base antorcha thing to a thing:
    say "No ves una forma de enrollar [the noun] sobre [the second noun].".

Instead of tying liana to a thing:
    try tying second noun to liana.

Instead of tying a thing to liana:
    if tamano of noun is enorme or tamano of noun is grande:
        say "[the noun] es demasiado grande para atarlo a la liana.";
    otherwise if noun is a patroller:
        say "¡No se dejaría así como así!";
    otherwise if noun is fixed in place:
        say "Eso no serviría más que para restringir tus movimientos y ya estás bastante 'restringido'.";
        say "Atas [the noun] a la liana.";
        now noun is part of liana.

Before of taking a thing which is part of liana:
    say "(primero desatas [the noun])";
    now noun is in the location.

[Lista de cosas atadas]
After printing the name of liana:
    if there is a thing which is part of liana:
        let L be list of things which are part of liana;
        say " (atado[if number of entries in L is greater than 1]s[end if]: [L with definite articles])";